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In ePrice, you can define any number of rule lists used to create various price lists. Each list has a specific type assigned based on who the price determination rules are intended for. In one rule list of a given type, there can be multiple rules that are designated as rules for:

  • Customer – in a list of this type, all customer-specific rules will be present (all rules for all customers will be here)
  • Customer Group – in a list of this type, all rules per customer group will be present (all rules for all customer groups will be here)
  • Branch – in a list of this type, all rules per branch will be present (all rules for all branches will be here)
  • All – in a list of this type, all rules applicable to everyone will be present

Each list has its priority. The priority determines the importance of the list – the list with the highest priority value is the most important. The hierarchy of rule lists is as follows:

  • List with type "Customer" (highest priority)
  • List with type "Customer Group"
  • List with type "Branch"
  • List with type "All"

In other words, rules (price lists) that are present in a rule list with the highest priority will be the ones in effect and will "override" other rules (price lists) present in lists with lower priorities.

Priorities can be changed, and each new list can be assigned new priorities. However, fewer rule lists make rule management easier.

In the view, the upper pane displays rule lists, and the lower pane displays the rules belonging to individual rule lists.